Friday, February 29, 2008


From 'Mr Wonderful'...yet another film where the main female character has absolutely no taste!!

Finn wrote a much better conclusion..although it takes place after the end of the film :-)


PurpleVixen7 said...

I can't understand that woman??How blind she was??She wasn't stupid,but she was a dummy,not choosing Dominic!!He was wonderful!!Such eyecandy,and cute,sweet and tall!!And she..she choose the dumbo!!Iuuu..groose!!That is one silly woman!!

Axe said...

Aawww, sweeet...he still had "those teeth". Love those shots, Eliza!!!

BTW, I never got to thank you for the LOCI eps you sent me, did I? Fuck, it was good seeing him again, hon. Thanks so much!

(Didn't like how they dehydrated him, though)

JoJo said...

Dominic was so, so sweet and kind and really liked her and she chooses Matt Dillon?!?!

val said...

She just wasn't human.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would chose Matt Dillon over Vincent deserves Matt Dillon!

vampireprincess said...

One of the three or so movies of his I have seen. Though I only saw the end of it. No accounting for taste of the woman in that. Course just leaves him of us. :)