Friday, November 23, 2007


By Val and Axe..and maybe more,I've forgotten,sorry.

The rules:
Post your earliest memory that is:
#1 Clear enough to include three details.
#2 Give your age.
#3 Pass it along to some other folks

Here goes..and if you have heard this before,I'm sorry,but I can't remember anything else :-)

I think I was about 2/3 when the first memory was grandparents had a big garden with fruit trees and a lawn...I had been playing in the paddling pool with a couple of my dolls,but I must have been taken out because of the sun,and I was sitting under a shelter made by hanging a sheet from a tree of my dolls must have annoyed me because I was smacking her bottom.I smacked her so hard her head fell off :-D

And you thought I was a nice person LOL.

I think most of you have been tagged already,but if you haven't,then go for it!!


vampireprincess said...

That memory is hilarious.

Also I would like to say thanks to everyone yesterday on the favorite V character poll. Even I think Axe was the only one who did CHEAT!! I can seriously work around that though.

nifer said...


nifer said...
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val said...

At least you didn't dissect her.

JoJo said...

Eliza, that's a good one! If it makes you feel any better, I was really harsh on my dolls too.