Saturday, May 31, 2008

Would You Believe

This is only my second 'most watched' video on youtube? This one has had over 11,000 viewings,but top honour actually goes to the one I did about Pyle with over 18,000 views....aren't statistics fascinating LOL.

Apologies for recycling again...I hurt my wrist decorating and although I can type and 'copy & paste' I'm not up to using the mouse for long...hopefully a day or two of rest and I'll be back to normal :-D


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me, with 'Saturday-fingers' the ones that hit all the right keys, but not necessarily in the right order ;0)

I can't believe Valentino came second to poor Pyle, but...

There is no 'sin' in recycling something so wonderful. Be well soon, ensure you take D'Onofrio, 3 times a day to aid your recovery!

Madi said...

So I guess this is where I remind you never to decorate again, right? :-P
Sorry you got hurt sweetie, I hope you're gonna get better soon.

BobbyG said...

Take care of yourself and get that wrist back in shape. You have some major screencapping ahead when "Purgatory" debuts next Sunday. Gee, does that sound selfish? Be well.

val said...

Oh, poor Eliza, get that support bandage on and rest your wrist.

As for apologies - for THIS? Never! That man really knows how to kiss.

Music Wench said...

Recycling is good! I would have missed it if you didn't repost. :)

Jane said...

Wish I could send Vincent to kiss your wrist and make it better :)

jazzy said...

i loved "your" Pyle!

Night Seductress said...

i do believe that's the most watched, because it's my favorite one you've done :), that and that little apologize clip...which i suggest you extend the video to the full song and add some more steamy scenes and then that'll be my new favorite. <3