Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Proud Flesh

I had to think about this episode, and I still struggled to come up with anything positive about it...I guess it was educational, in that I learnt more about latex than I needed...and I love when Bobby is all bundled up against the cold..but thats about it :-)


Anonymous said...

I love him all bundled up too!

BobbyG said...

The BLUE shirt...that's a big positive.

jazzy said...

blue shirt = heaven!
imo malcolm mc dowell did a great job; he's a good actor, and i enjoyed to see him playing the bad guy in proud flesh.

Jane said...

I think this is one of those episodes Vincent calls a 'clunker'!

Madi said...

Any CI episode with Bobby in it is a positive one! Great pics, as always.

BTW, if Jazzy wouldn't have mentioned Malcolm McDowell, I wouldn't have remembered which episode was this. Thanks Jazz! :-P

val said...

With just a tiny tweak (which my eyes accidentally gave it as the page came up) we can have an episode called "Proud Flash". Now doesn't that set the inspriation buds tingling?

BASRIC said...

That's enough. I love him in his coat his arms all crossed.

jazzy said...

you're welcome, Madi ;)
sometimes i even notice vincent's co-actors.