Monday, February 09, 2009


I wish I could think of something to say about this, but my brain has turned as mushy as the snow and I've gone blank....that ia a nice picture in the bottom right corner of the bottom collage though :-D


Anonymous said...

No words necessary, we can just dribble over the gorgeous pictures!

judith said...

they are lovely pics. and some grey suit as well.loveeeeely!!

jazzy said...

i wish he was my bedfellow (any news??).
oooh and look at that blue shirt!!

Jane said...

See, my brain turns to much when I look at the picture in the lower right corner ;)

val said...

Some of my favourite Bobby pictures of all time come from this episode. As for the neck shots - wooh!

BASRIC said...

I love them all especially the open collar one. Beautiful collage, as always.