Friday, March 13, 2009

Hasn't he been a busy boy

A fact I am forever grateful for
Amazed he found time to even eat in the 90's to be honest..with 31 films under his belt. This post is a (sort of) taster for the next series of posts...I think :-D


Jane said...

Clearly Vincent LOVES to work! Wonderful collages Eliza :)

jazzy said...

when you say "under his belt"... ahem :)

yes, we have to be very grateful for so many wonderful vdo-films. that man is talented, gifted and full of energy and creativity. i always take his work as a special present.

looking forward to your series

Madi said...

Great work, both from him and you :-D

val said...

I'd like to get busy with him.

Anonymous said...

When you look at all he's done, it makes you appreciate just how much effort and sheer hard work he puts into his chosen profession, something I'm sure we're all eternally grateful for - and of course, we know there are several more we don't know about yet. I mean, what was he filming in December when he mentioned on 'Good Things Utah' he had to be on set at 6am? Can't wait to find out :0)