Monday, April 06, 2009


I have Vincent's part in this on my hard lasts 18 seconds :-(
Having only 5 caps to work with doesn't give me a lot of options when trying to make 3 different collages, but I had a go anyway :-D


Anonymous said...

I think you've managed very well to make so much out of so little.....meaning Vincent's time in the movie of course, not the D'evine One himself ;0)

This is another one I haven't seen since it was in the cinema....

TJara said...

I'm embarassed to say this, but I never recognized him in this movie. I still think it doesn't look like him at all. I'll have to pop in the tape and listen to it again - maybe the voice will be a giveaway..

judith said...

wish i'd been that child and held in those arms!!

Jane said...

It was the best 18 seconds of the movie!

val said...

He looks a bit oriental in these pictures.

I have to rewatch this with him in mind.