Saturday, April 04, 2009

S3 Animations

Top - Evens, Middle - Every Episode, Bottom - Odds

I enjoy making these, a lot,but every animated collage means making 20+ individual collages first....which is why I only do them once a week :-D


BASRIC said...

I love your making them too. They are all lovely. Of course you have an excellent model.

jazzy said...

.... the best model ever!

Jane said...

Thank you for all your hard work Eliza!

Anonymous said...

For some reason, the third one has me making strange, but very happy 'gurgling' noises :0)

Your D'evotion to the VDO-Sisterhood (and Snarkangels) is much appreciated!

val said...

They are wonderful. And you choose them so well.

mauigirl said...

Beautiful work Eliza. That little dance is so funny, but that wagging finger. Ooooooh, baby!