Thursday, May 14, 2009

Claire Dolan

I don't really like this film..and not just because the ending stinks. Claire isn't a character I find easy to like and Elton seemed so out of his depth in her world it hurt :-(


Anonymous said...

...and having ordered the UK release (yes, I already have it, but...) months ago, Amazon emailed a couple of weeks ago to say they can't supply it.

I didn't like 'Claire'. I tend to whizz through it to focus on Vincent's bits....

Excuse me, I just went dizzy ;0)

Jane said...

I don't like this film either. But there are moments I DO enjoy ;)

judith said...

no i did'nt care for it either. did'nt make much sense and the enclosed write-up did'nt make sense either.x

TJara said...

Strange, I really, really liked Claire Dolan. Utterly depressing - yes, but I liked it, and not just because "you know why"!

It is a rather "artsy" movie, and it leaves you with a ton of loose ends. The movie doesn't pretend to explain everything (and it doesn't), at some points there seem to be "leaps of logic", but I think that all happens on purpose. It's also quite heartbreaking and scary. Elton's/Vincent's second to last scene at around 1:15:00 into the movie kinda freaks me out!!

Vincent, as usual, is great, and just the "dishelved puppy with scruff look" he sports in this movie make it worth seeing it. The movie on the whole seems to be very "toned" down when it comes to emotions, yet I really like Vincents portrayal of Elton.

I have to say that for me, Karin Cartlidge really steals the show. She's amazing, and she was well picked for the role. She brings beauty to the role, but not "Hollywood"-Beauty, if you guys get what I mean. And knowing that she's died since (she died in 2001) just breaks my heart.

Sorry, I've been babbling. I guess you get the idea that I enjoyed the movie.

judith said...

thanks tjara for the explanion i understand the film much better now and will watch it again with greater understanding.x

judith said...

thanks tjara for the explanion i understand the film much better now and will watch it again with greater understanding.x

guidinglight81 said...

Sorry for being that off-topic:But don't you just LOVE his hair in that movie?
Hands up who does...I see I see,I'm not alone with my addiction to his longer curls!

val said...

Jella, you are speaking of Vincent, so you cannot be off topic. His curls are wonderful.

I do hope they had a few laughs off camera, 'cos everyone's so miserable throughout the movie. Talk about Bergman.

jazzy said...

i'm with tjara. indie films are just my thing. and yes, those curls!

BASRIC said...

I really hated this film. But the sex scene were hot and he looked so vulnerable throughout the movie. You had to love him and again Yea he was in through the entire movie and didn't die.

PurpleVixen7 said...

I don't care much about the movie,I just see young,and so eatable..MMM..YUMMYYY..!!And YES you know what part of the movie I like*wink,wink*!!;)))

fuzzytweetie said...

Why is it my eyes stare at the full moon? Good thing I won't lose my sight like staring at the sun!