Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I Have Trouble Believing

That I actually made this one..but as it's been on my youtube channel for nearly 3 years I guess I must have...god knows what I thought I was doing :-p


Anonymous said...

Time surely flies when you're having fun!

mauigirl said...

I like it. It's fun and 1,000,000 times better than anything I could ever put together. And that's assuming I could even put anything together.

val said...

It's wonderful.

But where was Olee? Come on, you know I LOVE Good Luck!

Madi said...

That's what happens when you let Gazza talk you into this kind of stuff, LOL!
Glad he did cos this is one great video! Btw, give him a kiss for me :-D

judith said...

nice vid. eliza, wish i could do something like that. you are a clever girl.x

fuzzytweetie said...

Elton, OMG!

Riveting to watch his reaction to a gun to the head. Not only would I have had a breakdown, I would have wet my pants!