Sunday, July 05, 2009

It's Sunday

And instead of doing something useful (kitchen floor, anyone?) I ended up playing with Guy. Unfortunately I couldn't decide which one I liked best so you'll have to make my mind up for me :-D


Anonymous said...

See, I read 'Kitchen Floor' and 'Playing with Guy' and the 2 thoughts kind of fitted instantly together in a very pleasurable fashion....I need to take a walk now ;0)

Jane said...

I'd love to play with Guy :)

jazzy said...

to "polish" the kitchen floor on a sunday afternoon with guy, hell i can't imagine ANY better activity!

Madi said...

Yep, what Jazzy said!! :-D

val said...

It's all been said. You knew we would latch on to "playing with Guy", you naughty person!

I must admit, the kitchen floor bit didn't have the same effect on me, though - you should see mine!

jazzy said...

*waves to madi*

PurpleVixen7 said...

Jazzy..OY YEA!!;)))

fuzzytweetie said...

Kitchen floor, bedroom......I prefer "house" sex (ANYWHERE IN THE HOUSE)!

If I played with Guy, talk about rug burns.....