Friday, August 07, 2009

At Least

When I read 'Salt On Our Skin' I don't have to imagine a new character for Vincent. I really can't imagine anyone else as Gavin :-D


Anonymous said...

It's tough to believe anyone could so stupid as to turn him down, but Georges was!!! Then again, she was an inveterate snob....I'd've been thrilled with the deluxe model boat that had a light on it.

fuzzytweetie said...

Oh, Gavin how could you be SO wrong......pick ME!!!!

Is the book still around? Whose the author?

Eliza said...

fuzzy: The book is available online, I got mine from Amazon US. Look for 'Desire' by Benoite Groult.

fuzzytweetie said...

Thanks, you're a peach!

val said...

Lord, was he ever more delectable?

jazzy said...

Diane, you kill me!
Oh yes, Gavin is like a deluxe model boat, and I'm sure a vixen could turn on his light.

Jane said...

Boat or no boat, I'd Never turn him down!

BASRIC said...

There is no one else who could do Gavin as well as Vincent. Lovely choice of caps for your collage.