Saturday, August 29, 2009

Remember the video I made after S7?...well I made another one, this time with added S8.While the video didn't take long to make, sorting the pictures took hours :-D

With thanks (again) to Madi for the music..having the artists permission gets round YT's copyright issues nicely


Jane said...

I think that's the most beautiful thing I've EVER seen! Thank You Eliza....The music was perfect Madi :)

Madi said...

Seems to work out great!
Thanks Tess :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful music - for a beautiful man *sniffles*

val said...

The face that launched a thousand flips...of my heart.


Laura said...

Eliza, it's a VERY FABULOUS video!!!...thank you for uploading.
I've just added this to my favourites vids on YouTube. ;-)

fuzzytweetie said...

I'm in love all over again.....sigh..

fuzzytweetie said...

I just watched it again (for the 100th time) and I got to thinkin'.....when the time comes that we need a tribute to Bobby because LOCI is over, this would be the perfect, loving, most appropriate vid.