Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Do you think it's strange that episodes with 'hard to watch' storylines end up as favourites? This is one of them :-)


Anonymous said...

Strangely, this is one of my favourites too.....

jazzy said...

It's definitely a fave one! A classic, worth watching 100 times.

Jane said...

I love this episode! The woman who played 'Teri Randall' was nominated for an Oscar this year. She didn't win but, just another example of the great talent that Vincent and CI attract.

fuzzytweetie said...

I love his mocking salute, talk about a slam!

Laura said...

It's one of the most fantastic episode!...and one of my favourites too...:-D

val said...

It's a good'un, he's a hot'un.

Madi said...

Yay! This is one of my favourites too. Some great scenes there :-D

JoJo said...

This is definitely a good one. Think he still had his original teeth as well.