Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Did Something Stupid

but entirely justified in my opinion. You know it's important to be comfortable at the computer, yes? Well, the new chairs we bought were a bit too tall for me to use the laptop without getting neck-ache, so I chopped the legs down a bit..still not sure exactly what anyone else in the house thinks, but as they tend to think I'm a hopeless case anyway...... :-D


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, you could stencil 'Vincent D'Onofrio' on the back of yours :0)

jazzy said...

Well, I'm sitting at my customized home-made desk, so who am I to judge?
By the way, your multicolor cabinets look great!

Madi said...

LOL! Looks so funny!
But no, I understand perfectly, you're right, it's important to be comfortable when you do... important stuff :-P

fuzzytweetie said...

Anything to do with VDO takes precedence over ALL of life's other little pesky things. Now you've "marked your territory"! LOL :)

val said...

I think the best solution would be to use your laptop on one of those over-bed tables while lying there dreaming of himself.

val said...

And BTW, I laughed out loud when I saw what you'd done.

Eliza said...

Di: You really shouldn't give me ideas like you think a t-shirt with V on it would do the trick?

Jazzy: I'm glad you like the cabinets..self-adhesive plastic and new handles made a world of difference to the boring old grey ones.

Val: I expected everyone to laugh at my stupidity to be seemed like a good idea at the time,but putting the laptop on a phone book would have been easier :-)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking along the lines of the chair Vincent has for between takes on LOCI Eliza, y'know, the one with his name on (that we'd all steal if given half the chance!)

Laura said...

My chair is equal to that which Vincent was sitting in one scene in the 'Vanishing Act': all-iron as those used for the tango dance and then...I cannot give you a valid opinion too.... as I would????? XD XD

Jane said...

One must be comfortable when working on the computer! Makes perfect sense to me ;)

JoJo said...
