Saturday, September 12, 2009


A new dvd means new caps,also obviously, I'm not putting these anywhere near photobucket :-p


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry that was me, apparently typing faster than blogger could cope with so it ended up as gibberish (no changes there then!)

What I was trying to say was that I like a 'challenge' sometimes, so I put ALL of our 'Claire Dolan' recaps into the Bucket. They ALL stayed there for 2 whole days. Last night, 15 had been zapped as 'violations' (hehehe). As ever, the sight of female nipples and Vincent's magnificent bottom is WAAAAAY too much for their Secret Censor to tolerate....along with Sammy and Ruby sitting in Central Park under a tree apparently!

jazzy said...

It's official - Sam and Ruby sitting in Central Park is nothing but dirty and detestable pornography.

Can't WAIT to recap Elton's stunning body!!!

jazzy said...

Sorry, it should be read "to recap the DVD" of course.

jazzy said...

Say, fuzzy - do you already have one of these "Here sleeps Mrs D'Onofrio" pillows they offer at ebay?

val said...

Those dorks are just jealous.

fuzzytweetie said...

jazz.....I NEED one of those!!

Laura said...

Those things bring tears myself...sigh! XD

BASRIC said...

His back clothed is a sight, naked is indescribable. SIGH♥♥♥♥