Saturday, September 19, 2009

VDO on Rove

As you can see from the first collage, the caps aren't brilliant..the second collage is my attempt at disguising this :-)

Btw, I still think this is one of the best interviews he's done....relaxed and funny


jazzy said...

I like your collages. He is just always brilliant!! Especially when he 'talks with his hands'. When he is passionate about what he is saying, his gestures becomes very animated.

Madi said...

One of my favourite interviews, he's absolutely adorable! :-D

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite interviews too - he looked like he was really having fun bless him.

Laura said...

It's the best intyerview indeed...he's shining like the sun!!! XDXD

Jane said...

He is such a sweetheart!

val said...

It's a really sweet interview, and the caps are great.

fuzzytweetie said...

Great collage!

You're right jazzy, those hands can say a thousand words. He doesn't give himself enough credit concerning interviews. When he's relaxed and just "himself", he's funny, charming and a "lady killer". (sorry snark! ;))