Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Although I had no doubt that he would get the slimy little man in the end, I was still incredibly happy that he did..if that makes any sense?


ann said...

ah... one with all the bobby bobby gestures I so love

Jane said...

Ohhhh, Bobby kicked in a door in this episode! I liked that :)

Anonymous said...

I really need to rewatch some of the older episodes!

val said...

If you watch carefully, in the big middle picture he and the guy's lawyer look superficially similar, but it just doesn't work for the other bloke.

But then, how could it?

Laura said...

I agree with Di...I want to watch all these episodes!!! I love his sunglasses...hmmmm...

Laura said...

Sorry...I want to REwatch all the older episode and 'dissolve' me watching him...

fuzzytweetie said...

Kinda cute, ain't he!? LOL

jazzy said...

door kicking and shades - it HAS to be a fave eppy!