Friday, December 17, 2010


judith said...

Vincent is very much at the top of my naughty list!

Anonymous said...

That's a 'list' I'd like to be on!!

vdofan said...

I'm volunteering to handle the naughty list this year.

Snowman poop and coal for everyone as usual! For Vincent though...I'll give him a reprieve and put him on MY nice list, as long as he promises to still be naughty!

fuzzytweetie said...

Somehow, I think the naughty list has a sub-list with all of us vixens on it (in capital letters, no doubt)

Anonymous said...

Being NAUGHTY with Vincent would be NICE!

val said...

I hope I'm on Santa's naughty list if this is what you get for being on it.

greeneyesbell1 said...

Oh my,i love this...;)What a Santa,hehe....*sigh*