Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Minute

Christmas shopping.If I do what my kids do with the Argos catalogue and leave the page open do you think they'd get the hint? :-p


judith said...

I would shop at ARGOS if that's the sort of thing they sell!!

OuroborosSnyder said...

I'm with judith. I'll take one too, please! =)


Anonymous said...

If only...!!!!

Unknown said...

What Judith said!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid my copy would be terrible dog eared when I was through with it. I take one for each day of the week please.

Oh, and thank you soooo much for your Advent gift today. LOVE HIM!!!!

mauigirl said...

Does he come with those clothes, or is that optional?

val said...

Vincent as a clothes model in a catalogue. Can you imagine how much one of those would go for on Ebay?

greeneyesbell1 said...

oh boy...VERY NICE!...What Mauigirl said....the same thing crossed my mind.*thud*

Jane said...

Can you imagine!