Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Saint

I don't really have a strong feeling for this's watchable, but I wouldn't call it a favourite :-)


Jane said...

Watchable is the way I feel about it too. Thank goodness Bobby is VERY watchable :)

Unknown said...

I love the storyline of this episode and our Bobby is brilliant (as usual!)

[the present in your Advent calendar is beautiful, thanks!]

Anonymous said...

His hands are far more deserving of having a poem written about them!

val said...

Bobby makes it watchable. I just don't like the religious themes.

Ruby said...

I love this episode, too, Potzina, because I love Stephen Colbert. But yes, Diane, Vincent should be the one with the poem written about his hands!

mauigirl said...

This is one of those epis (for me) where I couldn't care less about the plot. Just give me Vincent on the screen for 48 minutes.

BTW, my word veri is 'Sting'. Isn't that a real word? :) Crazy.