Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Many Buses Would You Miss?

I think I'd let a few go past as I sat there oblivious to everything but the picture :-D

Bus Shelter pic comes courtesy of Google, V pic comes from the website


Anonymous said...

I seem to remember we were so busy talking Vincent last summer when we had our annual 'meet', we let quite a few subway trains go by without thinking we ought to actually get ON one - and that was WITHOUT the distracting eye-candy ;0)

judith said...

I would steal the poster!

mauigirl said...

Great post, Eliza. I think I'm going along with Judith, we'll steal all the posters over night and hand them out to all good (BAD) Vixens.

havers said...

That is really a too cool effect.

Jane said...

I'd love to 'ride' Vincent!

Ruby said...

Very cute, Eliza!! I'd end up having to walk!! (Heehee! Word verif: spare. As in, "Got a spare poster? Or a spare Vincent??")

val said...

I think I'd have to sleep there.