Friday, February 25, 2011

In The Dark

You know I said about that little thrill yesterday?? Well, I get the same effect with the blue shirt and shades :-D


greeneyesbell1 said...

Very nice indeed,and the blue shirt,oh it getting hot in here or is it just me,lol...;)

Jane said...

Your not alone, I love the blue shirt and shades and I also loved his hairstyle transition in some of the scenes too:P

Axe said...

I love the shades! It kinda reminds me of the time he wore those jeans and the plain long sleeve shirt under cover!! Hhhmm..

Anonymous said...

Bottom right, one of the very first pictures of Vincent I remember treasuring; and I still do (along with thousands of it's brethren!)

val said...

In the dark, with Bobby. Oooh yes!

Anonymous said...

Love the sunglasses, makes the heart go pitter-pat.