I have to apologise for my long abscence..Mum has been in hospital now for 3 months..she could be home really but we are having trouble sorting out care for her, it seems Mental Illness scares the Care companies...She's getting a new fistula done on Friday too, so she can have Dialysis..and, to be honest, I haven't always coped as well as I should. We are getting there though, I hope, and life can get back to as normal as it ever has been here :)
Eliza I didn't know your Mum was ill. I now feel really guilty pestering you about things that are not really that important. Forgive me.
On a side note my sister is not good at all, it's painful to see her. For her own safety they have put her mattress on the floor of her room.
I may sound cruel here but you wouldn't let an animal live with her condition. You know I don't believe in God but if there is one I wish he'd take her....
Unfortunately mental illness scares off a lot of people which is pretty sad. Hope you manage to sort things out soon.
Happy Sunday to you too :-)
Having a parent to care for is a heavy enough responsibility without the added complications you have. I work for the NHS and I know how difficult it is to get a care package, even for someone considered 'sound' in mind. Best wishes to you and yours, lets hope a resolution can be found soon *hugs*
I know from experience it's hard to find help for someone who has mental issues and I know it's a Huge strain on the family. Try and take care of your Eliza.
Don't beat yourself up, Eliza, you go above and beyond. You do more than I ever could have, and many miles more than my dear Christian sister.
Hope your life settles down a bit soon.
OMG Eliza! You never said anything about this before! I had no idea and I'm so sorry. I hope you get it sorted out. Mental illness is not easy, that's for sure.
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