Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Title Of This Post Was Going To Be

'Curious Coincidence' but Val got there first :-D

However, thats what this is, a coincidence. The first song on my mp3 player this morning was 'Any Other World'.I knew I'd used it for a video, so I went to look on youtube and found I'd first posted it on Feb 1st 2007. So, as this marks it's 2nd birthday I thought I'd post it again. I still think it's one of the best I've made :-)


jazzy said...

seems to be a spooky week on blogger's planet!

nice video, glad to see it's still up over there on yt.

judith said...

that was lovely. soft and gentle for a sunday morning.thankyou.x

val said...

Yep, that's an even more curious coincidence!

And a lovely video. It goes to show how long you've been a master V-vid-maker.

val said...

BTW, that clip wth him tossing th cocktail shaker does something very special to my insides.

Anonymous said...

Time flies when you're having fun....

BASRIC said...

Well made, lovely video well worth a repeat performance.