Friday, April 03, 2009

Naked Tango

There isn't much I can do with Cholo that I haven't done before (apart from the obvious ;-p) so I didn't really try.I think I used a couple of pictures I haven't used before, but even then I'm not sure :-)


Anonymous said...

Ah, Cholo and his magnificent 'weapon' *sighs*

unknown author said...

I have always wanted to see this movie. Can you buy it off of ebay or some where else? Thanks.

Jane said...

Y'know there aren't a lot of men who look good in hats. Vincent looks Fabulous in them :)

val said...

You can probably get it on Ebay or Amazon, Rita. Depends what region you can play on your machine.

Oh, the slithery, sexy, snake-like Cholo. Woof!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget it's officially released on DVD in Germany next week :0)

TJara said...

Hmmm... what do they say... it takes two to tango? Well I'd sure like to be the significant other together with Vincent in "two" ;)

jazzy said...

noooo we would never forget it, Diane :D

cholo looks better than a man has a right to!!