Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Newton Boy

Yes, I know it should be 'Boys' but as I'm only interested in one.....

Bonus is the custom cover I made cos I got fed up with Matthew McConaughey looking at me :-p


Anonymous said...

Makes perfect sense to me Eliza! Love the new cover.

Jane said...

Thank you for the new cover Eliza! I can't stand Matthew McConaughey...

judith said...

all makes sense to me. vincent is OUR BOY!!

fuzzytweetie said...

I hear ya on both counts!!

Matthew who?????

Vincent, YEAH!!!!

mauigirl said...

I believe Newton Boys would be correct when you consider the oil well scene.

val said...

Oh yes, Mauigirl! Eliza, I think a replay of that slideshow might give you your next post effortlessly.

(Well, apart from the effort of looking away from it once you've got it on the screen.)

jazzy said...

aaaah doc wearing the shades of sexiness

PurpleVixen7 said...

OY.. that Doc..YUMM,YUMM..with those glasses..UUU..THAM!!;)))

BASRIC said...

Dock favorite. Love the red. such a beautiful post.