Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Saturday!

Again :-D

Pic was made using a facebook app called 'Sketch Your Photo'


judith said...

Oh. I really,really love this. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant :0)

Anonymous said...

Wish I had the guts, I have the perfect wall......

Love it!

Ruby said...


Anonymous said...

Very neat. I love those photo editing programs. It's always fun to play with Vincent.

val said...

How could you ever tear yourself away from such an exhibit?

OuroborosSnyder said...

This is just so amazing. Why can't there be an art gallery dedicated to Vincent? LOL


Jane said...

This Makes My Day!

mauigirl said...

Exactly Snyder, why isn't there a museum or gallery dedicated to him? I'd work there for free.
Great post Eliza dear!